Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Impressions from a new player.

    I am new to TerrafirmaCraft, so I know I might have a few misconceptions.. I did feel that I should share my first impressions. First, I have been looking for a better survival experience then what vanilla Minecraft offers.I became enamored with TFC, via the let's play seriesIcy and Friends Play: Terrafirmacraft. IcyNewYear, sold me on checking out TFC, his video's gave me a good idea what to expect. Although there have been a few things that still managed to surprise me. First the world feels so empty, there are hardly any animals. Nor do I find any preexisting structures. Compared games like "Don't Starve", the world feels so very barren.. It's been like a year and I have seen only like 4 pigs, and 3 chickens. I've traveled almost a kilometer around my homebase, I still haven't found any surface Bismuth, and only traces of Tin not enough to make a bronze anvil. I have multiple mines that go deeper than level 60, and found Iron Ores and lots of copper and zinc. Yes, I have sluices; I am building a grid of sluices to check an area, for Bismuth. I even have underground sluices to look for Tin. While I enjoy the exploration aspect of the game, I do wish there was more to find then just more rocks.. Second, how on one hand the developers don't want exact numbers, but then give me a clock / calendar that tells me the exact time. I just find it odd.. that's all. Lastly,I am puzzled with the talk that this mod needs a combat revamp. What I wish for was roads that gave me a movement bonus, like in"Don't Starve". I have mines all over the place and no reason to build roads connecting them.. With theamountof travel end up doing. Would be godsent if I was a little bit faster on planks and cobblestone. There is a lot to the game that I really enjoy that I didn't talk about. I did want to start a discussion on these topics. I already see that finding ores has been discussed, and I am curious about the ore distribution. Soon I will be at the point where it's just not fun looking for ore that just doesn't seem to exists on my map.